Delta 8 is a naturally occurring chemical compound. It comes from hemp and cannabis plants. Often compared to marijuana, delta 8 has a lower concentration of THC and not psychoactive.
What does Delta 8 do?
Delta 8 gives users a calming and mellow feeling. The feeling can be intensified or dulled depending on the amount the user takes. It’s been reported that people using Delta 8 experienced effects of better sleep and relaxation.
Is Delta 8 legal?
Delta 8 is indeed not illegal. However, one should take caution in using it while engaging in activities like driving a car and operating heavy machines. Some of the same warnings that are pledged on over the counter pain reliefs and cough medicines you can obtain at a pharmacy apply all the same. Just like regular pharmacy products, Delta 8 can be delivered right to ones front door without any worries of guilt or punishment from the autorities